

This poem of mine invites women to give up wearing the hijab and to join the mainstream of life with the rest of humanity. But it is not really the piece of scarf itself over their heads which is the problem; it is when the scarf is worn to conform to religious convictions that it becomes an impediment to the full potential and realization of their lives.  Hijab puts a chasm between them and all that is artistic, enjoyable, and liberating in human life. Music, and in most such cases, higher education, poetry and literature, performing and expressive arts and sports, science and research, and much else, all remain out of reach for women who are subjected to the perfidy of religious restrictions. Women who live in the bondage of hijab and burqa cannot beget children who will grow up to understand and tackle the challenges of modern living. Environmental challenges and other issues of modern life in the 21st Century require women to join hands with others in bringing forth a new dawn. The burqa and hijab wearing women from Islamic religious backgrounds are today depriving themselves of the gift of living life to the full. I invite them in this poem to cast aside the hijab, and to step into a more meaningful and liberating existence.

(Read also my other poem too on this website titled ‘Burqa’).



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4 Responses to Hijab

  1. Asif Iqbal says:

    Very beautiful poem this is the guidance that muslim women need.

    • alishanzaidi says:

      Thank you. More on the way soon. If you know people who are interested in the issues I have raised through my poetry, and if they can read Urdu, please forward them the website address (UrduPlatform.com).

  2. Excellent analysis of this lost and confused Muslim so called umah and their outdated way of life. Burqa is a joke, not required in the 21st Century. They are wearing them in a secular Country like UK too which is sickening. They look like ninjas and like a walking tents. Your poem is spot on and an accurate description of this mindless burqa culture in Europe.

    • alishanzaidi says:

      Shaukat Hussain, Thank you for your positive comment on my poem Hijab. I missed seeing it earlier. If you are a serious reader of Urdu prose and poetry, do read all the other poems uploaded so far and comment on them too. My complete book of poetry (SungeRashida) is ready for wider publication and like-minded people will be informed when it is available on the market.

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